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Nordic Research Fund
is a project of the United Charitable Programs,
a registered
501(c)(3) public charity

Making ACA Medical Info Consumable

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Matching Service

Incubator Matching / Commercialization

NRSG continues to seek Research, Financier Resources, and Primary Research Locations.

After a Research Project has received a rating, it then qualifies for Incubator Matching. The Fee for this Matching effort is often split as a combination of currency and IP sharing.

IP holding / Royalty forwarding services can be arranged.

Additionally, NRSG will assist in Commercialization efforts, where these or following results can become key contributions to the NRSG research and educational mission.


Speaker Advisors

Hal Segelstad Consulting

2010 Administrative / Operations Partner



Marketing Affiliates

Berkeley Business Seminar Team

2010 Norway Day Festival